We even got cute shots of just our family.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Family Portraits- Finally!
We even got cute shots of just our family.
Friday, December 17, 2010
4 Generations
Holiday Fun!
Ella saw her 1st santa at the Coleman's Christmas party, she smiled and didn't cry. I don't think she even knew what was going on. Maybe next year?
Annual Friends Holiday Party- this year's theme- ugly sweaters. Ryan was sick and stayed home. :o( I took Ella and put her to bed in Candi's room.
Wreath party at our house- stole this idea from some friends of mine in Utah. Everyone loved how they turned out and was glad I put it together.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Ella is 3 Months old!
Your first time in your BUMPO seat! You are so cute in it, sometimes
if you're too tired though, you do fall to one side.
Ella- you amaze us every day with your smiles! You smile at everything and we appreciate everytime you do! You are starting to chuckle, but have not full on laughed yet. You're getting close though! This third month has been my favorite so far- you are learning so much- especially how to grab and feel things with your hands.
We love you lots!
Thursday, November 11, 2010

We can finally relax, start packing, and MOVE IN!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Glass and Cleaning!
The shower door turned out amazing. It swings both ways and is so straight and clean. I hope it's not too hard to keep clean! I guess it will force us to clean the shower.