Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Installing Hardwood Floors = Mother of the Year Award

Wood floors were installed in just 2 days! 3-1/4" red oak planks. They leave it unstained/finished until later when it won't get marked up.

The tool set up they had was Ryan's dream- maybe someday Ryan!
My MOTHER OF THE YEAR award is in the mail... I'm sure of it, it's on it's way...
We had to work in the basement while they were installing the hardwood floors, and of course we have Ella. The installers said, "Are you sure baby should be here, it's really loud and wood falls from the ceiling?"
Well, we have to get the cabinets done- we have deadlines! Ella had to stay. So I wrapped her in cozy blankets, covered her ears and put diapers by her head to muffle the noise. It was LOUD. Banging and sawing and hammering. She slept like a... baby... the whole time! Sorry Ella!

I put her in the corner where they were NOT working above us in hopes to make it quieter and so nothing would fall on her from the ceiling.

Ella- You are a TROOPER!

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